Hello my friends!

Do you know what CASE stands for?  I used to think it was Copy And Steal Everything.  LOL  I have been made to realize that it actually stands for Copy And Share Everything!  This week our MDS Challenge is to CASE a project from either the Idea Book & Catalog or from the Holiday Mini Catalog.

I chose the Holiday Mini – Page 34.  I didn’t have exactly everything I needed, but I think it turned out pretty darn good!  Please leave me a comment and let me know what you think!  I have included my CASE’d project as well as the clip from the mini catalog to show the two side by side!  I’d love for you to create a CASE’d project!  Won’t you give it a try and share it with me?!

This is the catalog version!

This is my MDS Version!

…… Until tomorrow!

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