Happy Monday everyone! I don’t know about where you live, but here in CT yesterday (and this entire last week and next) have been some of the best “Winter” days I have ever experienced! The weather has been so warm it is amazing. I feel like I picked up residence and moved to a southeastern or southwestern place!
My daughter, Kate, was home on spring break from college this past week and one of the days that the weather was so gorgeous, she and her boyfriend decided to take Scooby Doo on a Beach Adventure!
While I was slaving away at work she was sending me pictures via the cell phone to share the adventure with them! They were enjoying a picnic and lots of walking time on the beach. They actually brought a beach blanket and laid out in the sun! The pictures were so adorable, I couldn’t resist creating a scrapbook page with them! You will see in the photo on the top right Scooby Doo with her head out of the car window. She is reflected in the side mirror! lol On the top left is Kevin and Scooby just chillin and enjoying the sun. Apparently Scooby’s future is so bright shes gotta wear shades! She really is too much!
……………….. Until tomorrow!