A huge THANK YOU to Tee, Jo, Lois & Chris for your selfless volunteerism!!

A couple of weeks ago, these gals gathered with me in the studio for the sole purpose of creating greeting cards for deployed soldiers!

In a matter of 2-1/2 hours, we were able to complete and ship 450 greeting cards to Operation Write Home!!

Want to participate in a project like this with me?  All you have to do is say the word!  I have materials ready for a few hundred more cards and would LOVE for you to make them with me!

Do you have a loved one or know of a unit that is deployed and would like some handmade cards to be able to write notes to their loved ones in them? If so, PLEASE get their information to me and I will personally ship them cards!

Thanks again girls for all that you have done!  I know that we are making MANY soldiers extremely happy!

Rubber Hugs,


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